8:23 AM

8:23 AM
by: missbeenaroundtheworld

A slender, white hand gropes around for a small box with buttons. Grasping the ringing object, the other hand cautiously emerges from under a colorful quilt. They work together to turn off the clock and silence is welcomed into the cold room. A yellow sock-clothed foot lightly taps the floor, like how a child’s foot taps a river to make ripples. Next, a green sock-clothed foot emerges to gracefully land on the other. The socks greet each other as lovers do, warming up the feet that they cover. Slowly and cautiously a closed light-brown eye peeps out of the covers and quickly retreats back into the warmth of the bed. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. The sound rudely shatters the silence and Adalia groans. The morning has started.

Adalia waddled around in a warm yet fashionable coat that helped to keep her chilly bones warm. Ithaca, New York, was famous for having unforgiving winds, especially on a chilly December morning. Hasty to get to the coffee shop where she would be safe from the harsh winds, Adalia shielded her brown eyes from the cold by tucking her chin into her chest. OOMF! Concentrating on not slipping had turned out for the worse as she had completely knocked the wind out of a frazzled man sprawled on the ground. He was wearing a Raiders hat and he had freckles. Embarrassed and sorry, she knelt down to extend her arm as an act of apology. As the stranger grasped her arm to hoist himself, Adalia crashed onto the icy pavement. Horrified, she quickly hoisted herself up with the help of the light post on the street. “You f****** b****!” The man’s face was red, wrinkly, and freckled. “I’m so sorry! I didn't see you!” Adalia tried to give the man a hand. Yet she could not get her sight out of her watch. 8:23.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank-you for taking the time to read my story. I really appreciate it when the minor details get noticed!

  2. Beautiful imagery especially in the first paragraph!

    1. Thank-you super duper much! I really enjoy writing descriptively.

  3. Interesting writing style you have. The tense of the verbs gives the story an implicit and different meaning than if other verb tenses were used.

    1. hmm... I get exactly what you mean! Thank you so much for noticing little details like that! You've knocked the socks off of my feet - wow, thank you!!


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