Surrounded By A Sea Of Faces

Surrounded By A Sea Of Faces
by: missbeenaroundtheworld
The ocean, he traces
With his fingertips,
The various types of lips.
So many eyes and noses
All like roses,
Exquisitely furnished with thorns.
He simply mourns
For there is not a single soul
That he can trust, not even to carry his bowl.
On the ocean that he traces
A tear drop falls and embraces
The smooth paper that let’s us know
That we are all so


  1. In the image for "Surrounded By A Sea of Faces", the statue looks like it has a mole. LOL

    1. I like how you have a humorous way of looking into photos - it does really look like it has a mole. Thank-you for taking the time to read my poem!

  2. I like your poems!

  3. I love how you have a picture to accompany each poem. It gives the poem a lot of ambience.


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