
by: missbeenaroundtheworld
A crime is defined
as an unlawful act.
Why is it considered a crime?
To state what I feel
To have faith in what I believe
To think that everyone is equal
To be myself
To be different
Perhaps when fall comes again for the 100th time in my lifetime,
I will know why everyone insists on wearing a veil
While I stand apart and demand to know why.


  1. This would really be a nice song! already thinking of a tune #reallygood

    1. oohh! I'd love to hear the tune!! Thank-you so much for your support. (:

  2. i pray about it every night bc i feel that what's happening is really out of our control!! Sigh

    1. I'm sorry to hear your distress over crime! Larger crimes are definitely out of our control but we can find comfort in the control we have over our own behavior. Everybody is responsible for their own behavior and to a certain extent, that is the way in which we have the ability to stop a moral crime like bullying or self-hate. I hope this cheers you up and inspires you to remember that all the small deeds add up! (:

  3. amazinh pic. cool poem. #fresh


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