The Piano and The Violin

The Piano and The Violin

by: Missbeenaroundtheworld

Tired and sore from all the playing,
The Piano and the Violin sat resting.
'What a drudgery - to sing all night,"
said the piano to the violin on her right.

The violin sang, with adoring eyes,
"My dear, I have a surprise!"
Blushing red the piano smiled
as if she had been given the emerald isles.

With a flourish the present appeared,
'Two savvy skateboards!' he declared!
So the piano and the violin ran away
perhaps by an avenue on Music way.

One things for sure, that everybody knows,
they might be right under your nose.
So listen carefully to the sounds you hear,
they could be passing by for a souvenir,


  1. Awww! Loved it ♡♡ -Fatima

  2. <3 <3 awesome personification

    1. Thank-you. This poem is definitely more children orientated! Thus, the personification of a piano and a violin. (:

  3. I love this and so does my 3 year old daughter. You are an incredibly talented writer. Don't ever stop writing!

    1. Wow, I am astounded! Thank-you so much for your support. It makes me very happy to hear that your daughter enjoys my poem. I am grateful for your kind words and thank-you for your support!

  4. this is really nice. keep up the good work!!


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