This is missbeenaroundtheworld

Change is a constant factor in life. Any change, however small or large, that is instigated by any force of any size could revamp the future. Delicately falling, swirling down, and lightly kissing the ground, a yellow leaf with a hue of red signifies the coming of fall. Naked, bare, and arms reaching for the stars, the bare branches of a tree standing strong in the cold wind signifies the coming of winter. Alas, the cycle continues throughout the seasons. All over the world, different traditions and weathers give rise to a diverse variety of notions on the changing of the seasons. Likewise, cultures all over the world vary in beliefs pertaining from weather to eating. The world is encompassed in a variety of cultures that, thanks to the development of technology, often interconnect, allowing everybody to appreciate them.

Once outside of the culture that one is familiar with, one is surprised with different expectations, reactions, and tradition. The even more daunting prospect initiated by the global age is the concept of not having one identity but rather a mix between one, two, or even three cultures. In my life, change is definitely a constant factor. I am an ethnic South Korean who was born and raised in the United States of America for about 12 years, who has lived in South Korea for about 4.5 years, and who is currently living in Vietnam. This has brought about an influx of intermixing between different cultures - not terrifying experiences, but ones to look forward to. Meeting people who have had a variety of experiences has also opened my eyes and I would like to share my distinctive worldly experiences.


  1. I didn't know who was asking the questions until I read this

  2. Your writings are beautiful <3. Keep It Up (y)

    1. You are too kind! Thank-you so much for your support!

  3. Coolest blog;)

  4. fantastic blog yes very neat and interesting blog

    1. Thank-you for taking the time to look at my blog.


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