Two Lovers

Two Lovers
by: missbeenaroundtheworld
I once heard two quarreling couples take a leap
Into possibility in my sleep.
They talked,
About love and destiny
About school and jobs
And chemistry.
How funny it was to hear
My brain speak.


  1. Delightful twist!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank-you so much for your support! Do you have a blog? (:

  3. hi dear!! I love how you write this poem. It gives readers like us so much room for imagination and creativity thinking about the different possibilities and outcomes of this couple. If they knew that they don't actually exist, or if the dreamer is actually just having some flashbacks in life. It awes me to know how great the mind is, and to take that little leap of faith. Keep the ideas coming, and you'll do fine in life. You're really humble. God bless x :-)

    1. hello friend!! Thank-you so so so much for your support and enthusiasm on my writing. This poem I wrote with openness as well. I think that it's awesome that you interpreted my writing in your own way and that, in itself, demonstrates how great the mind is! Everyone has a different point of view or opinion about the same topic, since no person is exactly alike! Thank-you for your encouragement and I really appreciate your feedback. Don't forget to browse around! Cheers. :D

  4. Relate much <3

    1. Our brains seem to be super active when we are trying to go to sleep!

  5. Do you have a special someone?

    1. Yes, I do. This poem is about how brains can be alike to "quarreling couple[s]".


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